As discussed in previous Energy sector articles, one of the field’s main challenges is location. And when we’re talking location, we’re talking about both personnel and equipment. To keep operations effective, employing staff in different locations is a must.
Energy has always been a field in which a lot of equipment was situated in remote locations. With the advent of regenerable energy sources, this is even more of a problem.
However, staff training is still a necessity. How do you go about training staff in one location to use equipment situated in another? With the latter most likely in the middle of the sea or the desert? Remote access is the answer to this question. Let’s see some ways RealVNC Connect can improve training for energy organizations.
Training Cost Savings
This comes to reinforce the points we were looking at above. Let’s say you must deliver the same training, showing the same procedures, to staff in three places. Normally, this would mean that the trainer would need to go to the respective locations. Or you’d have to have the three employees travel to the same place. Furthermore, the equipment you’re training the staff to use might be in a very remote location. A logistical nightmare, as it were.
With RealVNC Connect, you can invest that travel money elsewhere.
Tailored Training Sessions and Engaging Learning Tools
Therefore, the trainees can interact with the equipment they’re learning about. The members of staff, as well as the trainer, can access the equipment in question and they can be shown the procedures.
They can even try them themselves, with the trainer supervising them. And all this because RealVNC Connect allows concurrent sessions on managed devices.
This makes the sessions much more interactive and much more effective.
You may also have certain training tools that only need to be used once or twice. No need to install them in all your locations or on all the machines. Staff in training can just access them on the training machine and get their tasks done.
Knowledge Centralization
However, in such a dynamic industry, procedures change, due to the need to comply with laws and regulations. Do you circulate them to all concerned staff via email? What if someone’s missing from an email list? Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep a knowledge library, with all the necessary procedures, in the same place? With RealVNC Connect, you can. Just use the improved File Transfer feature to keep everything updated!
Staff can then access a single source of truth, rather than scatter files around via email.
Efficient Remote Support, Even Post-Training
Here’s one of the most annoying things that can happen in a training situation. The trainee thinks they’ve understood everything, and then they need to perform the task themselves. And they realize that there is this step that they can’t remember from training. How good would it be if the trainer could just jump in and clear it up! Well, with RealVNC Connect, this couldn’t be easier! The trainer can jump onto the machine and explain it all.
The same goes for instances in which something has changed, and they need to show the technician what that involves.
Security First!
This goes without saying when talking about RealVNC Connect. Even if it’s training, technicians and trainers will be accessing sensitive equipment. You can’t afford to have this information fall into the wrong hands. Which is why RealVNC Connect ensures the same security as always. You can find out more about the steps RealVNC Connect takes to ensure remote access security in the energy industry in our article.
But don’t just take our word for it! Take a free trial of RealVNC Connect now and see for yourself!