Download RealVNC® Viewer -
The Most Secure VNC Viewer for HP-UX

Download VNC Viewer for HP-UX to the device you want to control from below. Make sure you’ve installed RealVNC® Server on the computer you want to control.

VNC® Connect is not available for HP-UX.

Please contact support to download VNC® 5.x here.

Frequently asked questions

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Just run the installer on the device you want to control from and follow the instructions, or there’s MSIs for remote deployment under Windows. If you don’t have permission to install VNC® Viewer on desktop platforms, choose the standalone option.

If you have a keyboard and mouse in front of you, use them as you would normally. If you’re on a mobile device, then your touchscreen acts as a mouse trackpad, with gestures mapped to mouse buttons. See the on-board help!

No. VNC® Viewer is always free to use. Just accept the EULA the first time you run.

Start with the FAQ.