Download RealVNC® Viewer -
The Most Secure VNC Viewer for Android

Download VNC Viewer for Android to the device you want to control from.
For the best experience install RealVNC® Server on the computer you want to control.

  • Desktop
  • Mobile

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Your download of VNC Viewer for   has started.

Now create an account to manage your devices and get a 14-day free trial to access all VNC Connect features.

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Get the full VNC® Connect experience

VNC Viewer and VNC Server are designed to work best together. Use them both to experience enhanced security, more reliable connections, and access to exclusive features within VNC Connect.

VNC Viewer with
3rd Party Server

VNC Viewer with
VNC Server

Download VNC Server
Full end-to-end session encryption No Yes
Session recording No Yes
Advanced multi-factor authentication No Yes
Cloud & Direct (LAN) connectivity No Yes
Granular access and user permission control No Yes
Remote printing, real-time chat and file sharing No Yes

Get started in three easy steps


1. Download

Download and install VNC Viewer on your desktop.


2. Sign in/up

Sign in or Create an account (and claim a free 14-day trial).

step 3

3. Setup and Connect

Add VNC Server to your remote devices and connect.

See how easy VNC Connect is to use

  • How to get started

How to get started with RealVNC Connect remote access

In this video, we’ll show you how quick and easy it is to get your first screen sharing session up and running using RealVNC Connect.

Tutorial: How to get started with RealVNC Connect remote access

Starting to use RealVNC Connect couldn’t be easier. You just need to create an account and get a free trial (no credit card required).

This video will show you how to provide unattended access to your Windows, Linux or Mac computer.

You will now be able to control your computer easily from anywhere in the world. If you want to continue to use the software after the 14-day trial, you can continue to do so seamlessly after buying a subscription.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cómo se instala VNC Viewer?

Solo tiene que ejecutar el programa de instalación en el dispositivo desde el cual desee ejercer el control y seguir las instrucciones o ejecutar archivos MSI para la implementación remota en Windows. Si no tiene permiso para instalar VNC Viewer en plataformas de escritorio, elija la opción independiente.

¿Cómo se controla un equipo remoto?

Si cuenta con un teclado y un ratón, utilícelos de la manera normal. Con un dispositivo móvil, la pantalla táctil actúa como un panel táctil de ratón, con gestos de movimiento asignados a los botones del ratón. Consulte la ayuda.

¿Se necesita una licencia de software?

No. Recuerde que el uso de VNC Viewer siempre es gratuito. Solamente tiene que aceptar el CLUF la primera vez que lo ejecute.

¿Cómo me puedo conectar?

Para empezar, lea las P+F.

Try VNC Connect today for free